
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Short Time with Vegetarianism

This post will be rather short, but is something I feel like talking about.

As you can tell by the title, I tried out vegetarianism. I enjoyed it. But it was extremely hard. Even harder when you have everything and everyone going against you.

I decided to go vegetarian for health reasons. I was hoping it would be a lifestyle change that I could slide into. I first felt the need to discuss it with my husband since, you know, he lives with me. He was at first against it. He had been vegetarian before for a period of 7 or so months and ended it due to Burger King. After thinking about it more after my initial proposal, he went for.

We decided to gradually go into it because 1) didn't want to go into "meat shock" and 2) still had meats in our freezer. I went into it faster than he had. He was still reluctant. He went two weeks without meat before he buckled. He thought I was doing this as a game. I was not. I was completely serious about it. I continued on my way of only eating veggies while he went back to his old ways. It was hard. This continued for another two weeks.

I buckled at my mother's (third) wedding. I fought it. I really did. I had been at her home (where the wedding was taking place) for most of the day and had not ate that morning. I barely had had time to dress because we had moved into our new place the day before. By the time of the reception, I was starving. Problem? Nothing there was vegetarian friendly. I do mean NOTHING. I got talked into eating a BBQ pork sandwich for the sake of my blood sugar. I regretted it. For one, it was extremely spicy. Not good for an empty stomach. Second, my body had already gotten use to having no meat in the system. I got sick.

I had my momentary loss, but decided to continue with no meat. The urges to eat meat became worse. My final "vegetarian" meal came when I fixed spaghetti with vegetarian friendly italian soy balls. I took one bite and hated it. The meal ended up getting thrown out. I felt bummed. I really did want to continue with the lifestyle change, but everything was going against me. Especially my husband.

I would like to say that I have continued to eat mostly veggies and only eat meat when my husband and I are eating together. Maybe someday, under better circumstances, I can convert back to vegetarianism. For now, it's meat.

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