
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

School's Out For Summer!

Yes, as I typed out the title to this blog, I was singing Alice Cooper's song in my head. Definitely the song for every student at the end of the school year. I'm really, really, REALLY glad that I'm out and was able to get through the first year. Just 4-5 more years to go. It's depressing to think about it like that.

Now that I'm out, I'm face with a new challenge: returning to life (briefly) without school everyday. It seems like it would be easy, but in the back of my mind, I know it won't be. I've finally gotten the break I've been wanting for a while now, but I also know how bored I can get. Like today, for instance, my husband is home (sick) and I was off today for the first time in a LLLLOOOOONNNNGGGGG time. I'm bored. I've finished a book, started on another one, did some nail care, inquired about a car (still), surfed the internet for a couple hours, I did have a final (last one), ate, pet my cats, even spent more time on "primping" myself this morning because I could, and hell, I know I've done other things but I can't remember them. And I'm now bored.

 I grow tired and restless easily over doing something that's the same thing for a while. You know, like reading a book. The book I;m currently reading is Gender Codes: Why Women Are Leaving Computing, which is really a good book on why women are no in the computing field like they were from 1960s to mid 1980s. Buutt, I got tired of reading it and put it down.

I really don't have any way to go anywhere. No vehicle + limited funds = staying at home way more & cabs are expensive. And even if I did have a car, where would I go? This town is pretty dead for a grown up. Really, all there is is Wal-Mart. And some clothing departments. That requires money. It's a never-ending circle, really.

I hope to give some humor to some soul out there that's reading this. I know I'm humoring myself whilst typing it. ;)

In other news, the plans for moving have halted. We really feel like we can't go until we have a car. We still have to move from our current position since the landlord will be renovating the property soon. So, in search of a car, we are also in search of a temporary place to live. Yay, even more fun. *enter deep sarcasm into voice*

I think it's best to say that I shouldn't be bored, but for some reason, I am. We haven't packed ANYTHING, and we haven't even started our search for a new place. Personally, I hate moving, and I'm pretty sure most others do as well. It's a part of life though.

I feel like I'm rambling on, and I probably am. I just felt the need to talk, to type, to give my own thoughts at this time. Sorry to have wasted some of your time, BUT if you possibly have any advice or comments on the current situation, please, by all means, please share. :D


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