
Friday, April 20, 2012

The Draft

And I'm not talking about the NFL draft. I'm talking about the Selective Services a.k.a. the Draft. I have a few questions for the masses out there. And since the Iraq / Afghanistan wars continue on (now longer than the Vietnam War), I question whether or not the Draft will come back.

1.) Do you think the Draft might be brought back if we continue on our current war path?

2.) Do you think that women will be drafted as well this time around?

3.) Do you think there will be mass emigration from the USoA if the Draft was re-instated?

I will answer these questions myself.

1.) I think there is a 25% chance of it coming back. I would like to think that we have plenty of volunteers in our nation to keep it from happening. I would also like to think that our country's leaders would know better than to stretch us even thinner than we already are. And to also think of all the people that would go AWOL to keep from going.

2.) IF the Draft was re-instated, I think at first, women would not be forced into Selective Services. BUT, if push came to shove, yes, I think it would possibly come to women being drafted. To my regret, I would actually agree to it. We have a large population. We have plenty of teens that think getting pregers is fun and cute. And I think women will step up to the plate to see things through. At least the smarts ones will.

3.) I do think people will leave immediately to Canada and Mexico to see that they never see a gun in their hands again. The masses are scared of everything now. And by looking back at the Vietnam War drafting, they would not like to see the terror their fathers, grand-fathers, uncles, and great-uncles saw. War is nasty.

Would I fight for my country if it ever came to being drafted for it??? I'm not quick to answer that. I would like to think that I would, be when reality came to hit me in the face, I will make that decision then.

This is all hypothetical. It's just something to make your brain think some more. I know it crossed my mind back in high school, when the wars first started. The Draft was shortly discussed in my criminal justice class. It was brought up today in my American History class.

Please leave your thoughts. :)

1 comment:

  1. Yes I believe if things keep going as they are there will be another draft, for one to cut down on the over populated USA as it fast becoming also be a great way to get rid of a few immigration issues if the draft did get open up again because those that are american born will sudden start screaming no I am not from here but from Mexico be surprised on how many people will be leaving US then. I for one would not like to see the draft open back up, that is how my dad was sent to Vietnam and he spent 21 days there before getting shot on his 21st birthday. yes he is find and alive now but still what he went through would not to see another human go through that again. mlhale42
